10 Tips for New Managers

//10 Tips for New Managers
tips new managers

10 Tips for New Managers

There is no lack of advice out there for new managers coming into a leadership role. Here are some of the top tips managers can use to be successful.

  1. Ask for help. No matter what industry you’re in, there are people who have been in your shoes before and want to see you succeed. Reach out to them for advice. 
  2. Be patient. Give yourself grace as you learn and grow in your new role. Be sure to also extend patience to your co-workers and your own managers. 
  3. Stay positive. As a manager, you’re viewed as a leader and set the tone for your business. Have a positive attitude and set a good example for your colleagues. 
  4. Embrace conflict. You’ll inevitably run into conflict during your time as a manager, so learn to handle issues with patience and diplomacy. 
  5. Delegate tasks. Don’t try to go it alone or do it all by yourself. Rely on your team members to get tasks done. 
  6. Offer feedback. Give employees regular feedback so they don’t have to guess if they’re doing a good job.
  7. Receive feedback. Be sure to also ask for feedback from your employees and management team so you know what you need to work on. 
  8. Find a mentor. Look for a trusted person you can ask tough questions to, bounce ideas off and receive candid feedback. 
  9. Keep on learning. Take continuing education classes and attend industry conferences and events to build your knowledge and grow as a manager. 
  10. Be grateful. Even when your job gets difficult, be grateful to be in the position you’re in and able to lead. 

Learn more about NHPA‘s Foundations of Leadership courses to help boost your manager’s skills, knowledge and confidence here.