Up Paint Offers New Way to Recycle Paint

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Up Paint Offers New Way to Recycle Paint

According to Earth Action, paint is one of the top contributors to microplastics in the ocean. In preparation for World Ocean Day, Up Paint, an upcycled paint company specializing in sustainable, earth-kind paint at scaleis teaming up with TerraCycle, the international leader in recycling hard-to-recycle materials, to introduce their innovative solution to recycle leftover paint, the Up Paint and TerraCycle Paint Zero Waste Box.

“Up Paint and TerraCycle share a common goal of rethinking waste and developing practical solutions for today’s complex waste challenges,” says Dustin Martin, CEO of Up Paint. “The Paint Zero Waste Box is a testament to our commitment to moving the world of paint towards a circular economy.”

The waste box is available now and aims to keep unwanted latex or acrylic paint out of landfills, incinerators and oceans. All customers need to do is place cans of leftover paint in the box, attach a pre-affixed shipping label and send it away. All viable paint will be sorted, processed and reconditioned into new paint.

“At TerraCycle, we have always been committed to making recycling hard-to-recycle waste as easy and convenient as possible,” says Tom Szaky, founder and CEO of TerraCycle. “Together with Up Paint, we are spearheading a sustainable alternative to traditional paint disposal methods to ensure unused paint doesn’t end up in landfills, incinerators–or our oceans.”