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Employee Retention

3 Hiring and Retention Statistics

Developing Talent: Discover how a healthy company culture leads career paths and employee retention at PDRmag.com/job-to-career.

According to the 2023 Job Seeker Survey from Bankrate, a consumer financial services company, 56% of the workforce is likely to look for a new job in the next 12 months, up from 51% in 2022. With employee retention issues showing no signs of slowing, the North American Hardware and Paint Association (NHPA) created the Employee Retention Toolkit to help retailers navigate these challenges. The best practices in the toolkit go beyond just keeping employees from leaving, sharing insights into creating engaged and highly productive employees. Explore these retention stats and how the resources in the Employee Retention Toolkit can counteract retention issues.

a chart of hiring and retention statistics

Source: 2017 Candidate Experience Study, CareerBuilder; Why & How People Change Jobs, LinkedIn; Employee Engagement Indicator, February 2023, Gallup

Purchase NHPA’s Employee Retention Toolkit today to begin improving employee engagement. Learn more at YourNHPA.org/employee-retention.