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Vendors Share Industry Best Practices at IHI Conference

Attendees of the Independent Home Improvement Conference (IHI Conference) will have the opportunity to attend breakout sessions, covering topics that include marketing, technology, retail operations and employee engagement. As part of the breakouts, several industry vendors will be hosting sponsored sessions that will take attendees deeper into niche topics.

Register today, spots are filling up quickly!

Mountain Mojo Group: A Website Story: How One Store’s Website Went From Mediocre to Meaningful
This session will review how Homco Lumber and Hardware has evolved its website over the last 5 years from a basic brochure style to a high-performing, well-branded website providing wins for everyone from inventory to bookkeeping, OSRs to GMs, contractors to cashiers, and in-store customers to online shoppers. Attendees will also learn how to ensure that their in-store customer experience seamlessly translates into their customer’s online experience.

National Cooperative Bank: Banking on Growth
This session presented by National Cooperative Bank will uncover what banks are looking for when independent home improvement retailers are seeking financing for expansion, growth or refinance. The session will highlight the five C’s of credit and the different loan options available for retailers.

GMG EnviroSafe: Prepare for OSHA’s National Emphasis Program
During this presentation, attendees will learn current NEP details including top hazards for warehouses and distribution centers, dangers of heat exposure and the financial impacts of recordable injuries and OSHA fines. You’ll also discover what steps to take to be proactive about compliance and solutions for streamlining your compliance program.

Rundoo: Saving You Time: Putting AI to Work for Your Business
Recent breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, machine learning and large language models are transforming industries across the globe. For retail businesses, one of the strongest applications is inventory management. Now, machine learning systems can generate orders and then learn as businesses adjust them, creating a natural learning feedback loop. In this session, you will be introduced to machine learning and will explore how it can optimize your inventory ordering.

Fluidmaster: Toilets Go High Tech: Capitalize on the Rapidly Changing Toilet Repair Market
Learn how to maximize your category performance with enhanced merchandising and training. In this session, we’ll review the product changes that make the toilet repair category more difficult to serve, merchandising changes you need to make and how to better train your employees to assist your customers.

ECI Software Solutions: Customer Experience Isn’t Always at Face Value
E-Commerce highlights your face time and improves operations behind the scenes. The fear that e-commerce and technology will put a cold layer between you and your customers, thus curbing your customer experience, is a misconception. When in fact, with the right team in place, technology is the assist you’ve always needed to make your interactions more meaningful. Join us for real-world stories that show how e-commerce serves not as a robotic replacement, but as a streamlined supplement to your customer service.

4R: Tackling Real-Life Challenges and the Evolving Independent Hardware Retail Business
In this panel discussion, hear real-world examples of hardware retailers solving common operational challenges resulting in reduced inventory, increased efficiency and saved time, improved profit margins and decreased lost sales. Hear from 4R’s vice president of customer success Nina Chiavaroli, as she discusses navigating the challenges of hardware retailers with Jared Brown of Aubuchon Hardware and Adam Gunnett of Busy Beaver.

Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual (PLM) Insurance Co.: The Cyber Threat to Independent Retailers
This session will be an educational deep dive into the current cyberrisks facing independent retailers and what tools can be used to help prevent losses. Touching on topics from ransomware to phishing to misdirected payment scams, we’ll  explore your vulnerability to cyberattacks, what they can cost you and what you can do to protect your business. Join us for this 45 minute session and take away meaningful action items you can use to prevent cyber losses.

Watcher Total Protection: How to Deter Thieves and Protect Your Store
In this session, you’ll learn about current trends in loss prevention. With theft on the rise, you’ll learn ways you can protect your store from customer and employee theft. Learn how to prevent theft before it happens, and learn about new products available to help reduce theft in your operation.

Epicor: Layers of Security: Protecting Your Business and Customers From Cyberthreats
Retailers continue to be the focus of ever-increasing and complex cyberattacks. What do some of these attacks look like and what steps can retailers take to protect themselves in these increasingly difficult times? In this session, we explore the landscape of cybersecurity threats and how to manage a ransomware attack. In addition, attendees will learn about the advantages of a cloud POS system and the capabilities of the Epicor Security Suite Firewall & Antivirus.