Marketing Minute: Doing What You Say You’ll Do 

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Marketing Minute: Doing What You Say You’ll Do 

The last mile of the customer experience is the part that makes or breaks marketing. At Curtis Lumber, we always put our best foot forward in our marketing. We use our cleanest stores with the most foot traffic and feature our bright-eyed veteran employees in commercials and social media. As we all know, those portrayals aren’t always what a customer gets, and over my career I’ve come to accept that, but we still continually strive to deliver the best to customers at all times.

Our businesses operate stores in buildings and communities that have evolved; it’s part of the beauty of being independent. We attract customers who like that quirk and have come to expect it. However, the one thing that makes this independent brand proposition work is by simply creating a culture of honoring your commitments. Our stores showcase expertise as something value-added and baked into everything we do. 

But what will drive customers away faster than anything? An organization of people who do not follow through. In today’s world, we have all accepted that often we don’t have any control over what will happen. The complexity of supply chains, labor shortages, and general apathy have pushed customer service to new lows. 

But rather than obstacles, these complexities are an opportunity to shine by creating an environment where people do what they say and meet the value proposition we set out in our advertising and marketing.  

It’s important for your brand messaging to resemble what happens when the customer calls, emails or visits your store. It doesn’t have to be a manufactured, cookie-cutter experience, but it should cover the bases and whatever is promised to the customer must be delivered. Setting those expectations with employees is a guaranteed way to increase the return on your marketing investment. 

Do you follow through on everything you promise?

Jim Carpenter
Director of Marketing, Curtis Lumber

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