Exploring the Power and Potential of Video Content Marketing

//Exploring the Power and Potential of Video Content Marketing

Exploring the Power and Potential of Video Content Marketing

In a recent blog post, we shared 5 Types of Content to Engage Customers Online. This week, we’ll focus exclusively on the most intriguing – and potentially the most powerful – of the bunch. (Just check out these stats if you don’t believe us.)

From TV commercials and video games to Youtube videos and Facetime, today’s generation grew up surrounded by screens. So it’s only natural that companies have increasingly turned to video marketing in order to reach new people and grow their audiences. In fact, according to this 2013 study, 64% of advertisers indicated that video content will dominate their strategies moving forward.

But like all marketing, your video content will go largely ignored if it’s not informative, entertaining and engaging. The good news is that social media levels the playing field for smaller businesses and provides endless possibilities. And although video production can seem intimidating, technology has made it possible to create and share content with little more than your Smartphone or tablet. So what are you waiting for? Here are four types of video content to get you started.

Tutorials. One of the highest search topics on both Google and Youtube are “How-to” tutorials. While written instructions still have their place, more and more people are becoming visual learners. dreamstime_s_59546988If you can create videos showing how to use a product or complete a project in a concise and specific manner, you’ll be sure to gain social media followers. Showing off your expertise will also go a long way in building your reputation as an industry leader and a go-to source for information.

Vlogs. Maybe you don’t have the time, talent or resources to maintain a blog. That’s OK. The power of video allows you to offer advice, answer questions, promote products, and much, much more, without the hassle of writer’s block. Simply pick a topic, do some research, prepare your notes, turn on your camera and speak to your audience as you would a customer or a friend. Vlogging (video blogging) will also help viewers put a face to your name and personalize your brand.

Reviews. Another hot search topic online is product reviews. With all the options out there, it’s becoming more and more common for people to do some research before pulling out their credit cards. Short video reviews of new or popular products are a great way to inform your audience, show off your expertise and potentially make a sale. They could also lead to partnership and sponsorship opportunities with suppliers in your industry.

Advertising. Yes, video can still be used as an advertising tool. But with today’s technology, traditional commercials have become boring and redundant. With platforms like Instagram and Facebook features like Canvas, you can spread your message to the masses in fun, creative and engaging ways. Whether your goal is to gain social media followers, drive traffic back to your website or sell a specific product, video ads allow you to