Employee Recognition Program Calls Out Service Superstars

//Employee Recognition Program Calls Out Service Superstars
Service Superstars

Employee Recognition Program Calls Out Service Superstars

Started last year in September, the Service Superstar program at The Paint Shop highlights staff who have been recognized by customers through Google reviews for outstanding service. The Paint Shop operates 38 locations in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and New Brunswick.

“Each month we review the Google reviews received and choose the person who either received the most recognition or an outstanding recognition from a customer,” says Kelli-Ann Smith, director of merchandising. “The program works two-fold as a way to call out our ‘Service Superstars’ but also Google reviews are an excellent way to show credibility, reliability and demonstrate excellent customer service to our customers.”

Each month, the Service Superstar is awarded a certificate, featured on the operation’s Facebook page along with the glowing review and shown on the digital TV’s in every store.  They also receive a $50 gift card from either Amazon, Tim Horton’s or Visa.

“The staff have been very receptive to the program to date but once we reach the year mark, we intend to do a survey to receive feedback on the program and any improvements that could be made as we head into year two,” Smith says.

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