Seven Ways to Immediately Improve Your Social Media Marketing

//Seven Ways to Immediately Improve Your Social Media Marketing

Seven Ways to Immediately Improve Your Social Media Marketing

“If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right.”

It’s a helpful mantra for small business owners in general, but it’s especially true when it comes to social media. With the emergence of apps, smartphones and mobile marketing, simply existing on social media is no longer enough. Whether you’re on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube, Snapchat or all of the above, it takes more than a random post or an occasional update to stand out from the crowd.

If you want to step up your social media game without spending too much time and money, here are some quick and easy ways to reach – and grow – your audience.

Use it or lose it. While creating a profile for the “next big” social media network seemed like a no-brainer at the time, there are just SO many “next big” social media networks. And while each platform serves a specific function, you can’t be everything to everyone – nor should you want to be. Carefully evaluate each of your social media channels, and ask whether they add value to your brand. In many cases, it’s better to delete an account than it is to keep it and neglect it.

Polish your copy. When’s the last time you updated your social media biographies? Brief as it may be, the blurb in your bio or “About” section is among the first things people will see when they pay you a visit. In addition to telling people what you’re all about and building your dreamstime_s_33543987brand, your copy should be clear, concise and contain key words related to your industry. And although it should go without mentioning, double-check your spelling and grammar!

Look your best. It’s true what they say about first impressions. When a new visitor or potential customer comes across your brand for the first time, their decision to investigate you further is made in a matter of seconds. Given all the competition for eyeballs, it’s important to have high-quality and properly-sized profile images. Here’s the most recent cheat sheet for social media image sizes, courtesy of HubSpot.

Reduce. When it comes to social media content, quality trumps quantity every single time. Simply put, if your content is engaging, entertaining and/or informative, people will like it, share it and talk about it. If it’s not, they won’t. In addition to planning for future posts, go through some of your old ones and delete anything that’s dated, off-brand or irrelevant.

Research. You don’t need to be a marketing expert or a professional statistician make sense of your social media analytics. Simply set out an objective (views, clicks, follows, shares, etc.) and determine which types of posts best meet those objectives. It may take some experimentation, but eventually you’ll begin seeing patterns and recognizing trends. Another great way to see what works and what doesn’t is to scope out a) the competition, and b) successful brands in other industries. While there is something to be said for innovation and creativity, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel with every social media post.

Recycle. With all of the traffic and real-time updates on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, it’s easy for your audience to miss or overlook some of your posts. The beauty of social media marketing is that content can be used more than once. Don’t be afraid to re-share your most popular posts, and consider adapting successful content for your other platforms. When it comes to recycling, the benefit of attracting new followers far outweighs the risk of losing existing ones.

Reach out. Ask and you shall receive. Reaching out to your social media audience is a fast and easy – not to mention, free – way to get valuable feedback. Whether you want to glean information about your products, your service or your brand, there’s no better source than the people you serve. Posting a Facebook question or creating a Twitter poll only takes a few seconds, and will provide valuable insights for your future social media marketing.