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Cost of Doing Business Study

Benchmark Your Business with the Cost of Doing Business Study

Are you ready to identify new financial opportunities for your operation? The deadline to participate in the North American Hardware and Paint Association’s (NHPA) 2022 Cost of Doing Business Study is June 30.

The Cost of Doing Business Study delivers data and insights that allow retailers to increase their profits and strategize for the future—and includes information from hardware stores, home centers, lumberyards and paint and decorating outlet retailers.

For your participation in the study, you will receive a free copy of the study ($499 value), a personalized financial analysis with your company’s financial results compared to industry averages, a what-if scenario generator to calculate how small changes can make a big impact and your company’s financial ratios and other financial metrics.

To learn more and participate in the 2022 Cost of Doing Business Study, click here.

Numbers You Should Know

When you participate in the Cost of Doing Business Study, it can help you identify new financial opportunities for your operation. Have you looked at your financials recently? Here are some numbers you should know.

Cost of Doing Business Numbers You Should Know

How to Participate

Participation in the Cost of Doing Business Study is free, easy and confidential. For your participation in the study, you’ll receive free access to the study’s results and a personalized financial analysis. Choose from one of four easy ways to submit your information. Click here to learn more and get started.