///Paint Applicator Best Practices From a Retailer and Contractor
A display of paint brushes

Paint Applicator Best Practices From a Retailer and Contractor

Lee Smith

Lee Smith

Lee Smith, owner of Geyser Painting, a high-end painting company in Broomfield, Colorado, is a long-time customer of Northside Paint, located close by in Westminster, Colorado. Smith has been painting for over 30 years and relies on the expertise at Northside, which is owned and operated by Kevin Haskins. The store has been serving the community for 35 years, and Haskins has been at the helm since purchasing the 4,400-square-foot business from his father in 2017.

Paint & Decorating Retailer spoke with Haskins and Smith to gain professional insight into the paint applicator category.

Kevin Haskins

Kevin Haskins

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Tips from Kevin Haskins and Lee Smith

Secure Samples
Asking your sales representatives for samples and handing them out to professional customers to garner feedback can give you valuable insight on new products you know your customers will like, Haskins says. This method builds relationships between you and your customers and helps you discover quality products.

angled contractor paint brushAngled Contractor Paint Brush
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“This is my No. 1 brush of choice for trim and the inside of windows because it is so soft,” ​​Smith says. “They’ve improved it recently, and it now lasts through 10 to 20 applications. Kevin had me try it out one day, and it was great. I would never use anything else.”

Product Selection
Haskins says contractors are focused on two things: Getting the most for their money and convenience. At Northside Paint, contractors invest in high-quality, higher-priced brushes because they are easier to clean and last longer. However, for another level of convenience, Haskins’ customers also purchase mid-price microfiber roller covers they throw away after each job.

roller coverMicrolon Cage Roller
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“Microfiber is the only roller cover material, other than expensive lambswool, that doesn’t leave hairs,” Smith says. “Washing roller covers is a nightmare, and this product makes it affordable for me to toss them after use while still maintaining high-quality results.”

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