Buying Event to Promote American-Made Products

//Buying Event to Promote American-Made Products
made in america

Buying Event to Promote American-Made Products

As retailers across sectors have all struggled with supply chain disruptions in the past year, the Made in America buying event is encouraging business owners to take a look closer to home to enhance their inventories.

The Made in America event showcases American-made products ready for purchase. This year, the event will take place in Louisville, Kentucky, from Oct. 1-3. Get more information and register to attend the event by visiting Made in America online.

Hardware Retailing recently spoke to Don Buckner, the founder of the event, to learn more about why sourcing American-made products can be a great way to stoke the U.S. economy and navigate supply chain disruptions.

Buckner says COVID-19 has proved how reliant U.S. merchants are on foreign imports. After supply chain disruptions in 2020, he says retailers must focus on sourcing products from the U.S. to avoid complicated, time-consuming delays.

“The onset of COVID-19 elevated the importance of buying American-made products, something we have been educating Americans about for many months. There were numerous cases of people working with inadequate personal protective equipment and hospitals were required to improvise to address these shortages,” Buckner says.

The Made in America event features a range of product categories, presenting something of interest to retailers across industries, Buckner says.

This year will mark the second iteration of the Made in America buying event, and Buckner says he and his team are committed to ensuring each attendee has a safe, beneficial experience.

The health and safety of our staff, American manufacturers and attendees is a priority for us,” he says. “We will work with the state of Kentucky and the Kentucky International Convention Center and will follow the guidelines that will be required at the time of the event.”

For more information and to register to attend this year’s event, visit Made in America online.